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Review Automatic level topcon AT-B4

Rp. Hubungi Kami@
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Automatic level topcon AT-B4
Durable, Dependable, High Value Auto Levels
24x MagnificationsRapid, Accurate, and Stable Automatic Compensation
Ultra-Short 20cm (7.9 in.) Focusing
All-Weather Dependability
Clampless, Endless Fine Horizontal Adjustments
Utilizing a finely tuned magnetic damping system, AT-B series automatic levels quickly level and stabilize the line of sight. These precision instruments ensure reliable leveling even when working near heavy equipment or busy highways where fine vibrations could be present. The automatic levels feature IPX6 protection against powerful water jets from all directions and are fully resistant to driving rain and splashing water.

1x Alumunium Tripod
1x Rambu Ukur 3M