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Review HT Motorola GP338

Rp. Hubungi Kami@
Segera hubungi kami di kontak yang tertera di bagian atas, atau jika anda kesulitan dan butuh bantuan silakan kontak:
Call Center Kami : 082244444998
Silakan langsung datang ke kantor kami yang tersebar di beberapa kota di Indonesia. terimakasih
HT Motorola GP338 VHF / UHF
Handy Talky Motorola GP338 sangat fleksibel dan cocok untuk berbagai industri seperti konstruksi, Keamanan Publik dan Swasta, Manufaktur, Oil & Gas, Hotel, Pertambangan dan banyak orang lain di mana komunikasi dan kontrol sangat penting.
Radio Motorola GP338 dengan mudah dapat diprogram di lapangan untuk menambah atau menghapus fitur yang membuatnya sangat berguna dan fleksibel.
Motorola GP338 VHF / UHF Konvensional Two Way Radio Walkie Talkie ini ideal ketika Anda butuhkan pada kondisi:
- Untuk berkomunikasi sering dengan beberapa kelompok kerja.
- Sebuah radio yang mampu bertahan di bawah kondisi luar yang keras.
- Untuk berkomunikasi dalam lingkungan dengan kebisingan tinggi.
- Melakukan koordinasi penegakan hukum dan darurat.
- Informasi yang cepat dan tepat.
Motorola GP338 Portable Two Way Radio
The GP338 two way radio is essential for growing organizations because of its unique versatility. When necessary, the radio can easily be programmed in the field to add or delete features. So, whether it’s the harsh environment of a construction site or the posh elegance of an exclusive hotel, the radio of choice is the GP338. It’s the radio that grows with you.
Flexible with Good Audio Quality, Performs Under Any Condition:
Ideal when you need:
Ideal when you need:
- To communicate frequently with multiple work groups.
- A rugged radio to perform under harsh outdoor condition.
- To communicate in a high-noise environment.
- To coordinate law enforcement and emergency.
- Constant up-to-the-minute information.
Key Features
X-PAND™ Audio Technology:
Motorola’s special voice compression and expansion technology called X-PAND™ enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in any noisy environment.
Motorola’s special voice compression and expansion technology called X-PAND™ enables crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating, even in any noisy environment.
Battery Strength Indicator:
Easy-to-read on-screen LCD display indicator alerting user on battery strength.
Easy-to-read on-screen LCD display indicator alerting user on battery strength.
Name & Tone Tagging:
Capability to assign up to 8 unique ring tones to different users/talkgroups, and the visual caller ID display makes caller identification possible.
Capability to assign up to 8 unique ring tones to different users/talkgroups, and the visual caller ID display makes caller identification possible.
Received Signal Strength Indicator:
A very user-friendly feature to display radio signal strength in the vicinity where you operate in.
A very user-friendly feature to display radio signal strength in the vicinity where you operate in.
Clock and Reminder Alarm:
Set time stamp on incoming recorded messages; Or, set the alarm to remind user of important appointments.
Set time stamp on incoming recorded messages; Or, set the alarm to remind user of important appointments.
14-Character Alpha Numeric Dot Matrix Display:
Clear and easy to read text display.
Clear and easy to read text display.
Emergency Siren:
Easy-to-access, one-touch button with piercing alarm to seek help in critical situations.
Easy-to-access, one-touch button with piercing alarm to seek help in critical situations.
Field Retrofit Option Boards:
Easy to install, affordable add-on functionality whenever your needs arise. Option Boards are available for:
Easy to install, affordable add-on functionality whenever your needs arise. Option Boards are available for:
- DTMF Decode for in-coming calls capability.
- Voice Storage for recording and playing back voice messages.
- Mandown Alert for triggering an emergency procedure when the radio is horizontal or still for a pre-defined time. Ideal for radio users who work alone or in isolated environments.
Battery Options:
Flexible choice of batteries:
Flexible choice of batteries:
- NiCD Battery
- High Capacity NiMH Battery
- Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery
- Factory Mutual Approved NiCD & NiMH Batteries
Powerful impresTM Smart Energy Solution The impresTM Smart Energy System helps battery maintenance, predicts end-of-service life and provides real-time battery usage information.
Enhanced Signalling Features:
The GP338 two way radio supports these three signalling protocols:
The GP338 two way radio supports these three signalling protocols:
- MDC1200:
- Voice Selective Call
- Selective Radio Inhibit
- Status/Messages
- Call Alert
- Radio Check
- Emergency
- Quik Call II:
- Call Alert
- Voice Selective Call
- Dual Tone Multiple Frequency (DTMF) Signalling Encode Other GP338 Features:
- Channel Scan
- Time-Out-Timer
- PL / DPL
- Busy Channel Lockout
- Baterai VHF/UHF: NIMH 1450mAH Med Cap Baterai HNN9008 & Lowband : NiCd 1300mAH High Cap Baterai HNN9012
- 230V Rapid Charger Euro Plug - PMTN4025
- Spring Belt Clip (For 1.5" Belt Width) - HLN9844
- User Manual - 6804110J55
- Antenna : UHF: Standard Whip Antena. PMAE4016
- VHF : Jenis antena lebih spesifik